Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pucketts Versus The Volcano!

About 100 miles south of Anchorage in a spectacular range of mountains ( in Alaska the mountains are all spectacular!)is the Redoubt Volcano that is imminent danger of erupting. This is why there was a 5.7 earthquake last week, felt in Anchorage, but not by the Pucketts. Locals are being warned to prepare for an ashfall, if the volcano blows. When I last talked to Becca, she was on her to buy water and facemasks! For information go to Anchorage Daily News and the Alaska Volcano Observatory. Google both for the web address. The picture above is not from the current activity. It is from the last time Redoubt had an eruption in the 90s that blanketed Anchorage for weeks with ash. Becca said she had also almost hit a moose the day I talked to her. Ain't Alaska fun? Stay tuned for further details.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dan!

January is the new fall for Ramsay clan birthdays. Happy Birthday, Dan. We have celebrated for almost a week now, and finally the Dan Ramsay birthday season has come to an end. Here are some pictures of the celebration and other memorable moments through the year. And yes, Dan does dress like a pirate more often than you realize, and like an Irish rebel, and a mariachi player. Life for Dan is just one big costume party! Happy birthday!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Maia!


Happy birthday, sweet girl. We sure wish we could be there to celebrate with you. At least you are hopefully back in your own apartment! Mommy said you were going to have donuts for breakfast. Yum! Mommy also said she was giving you a new president for your birthday. Wow!, what a great Mommy! Remember, a lot of the stuff is for Obama, but the 21 gun salute is for you! Here are some pictures from your visit with us in December. Happy Birthday!!